Sports Injury & Surgical Rehab

Recovery from injury

Sports and injury rehabilitation plays a critical role in restoring movement and improving function following an injury, surgery or aggravation of a chronic condition. Poor muscle firing patterns and balance disturbances caused by pain changes your loading and movement patterns.

Our experienced physios utilise a range of hands on therapy techniques such as soft tissue massage, myofascial release, joint mobilisation, acupuncture, dry needling and stretching to help you manage your pain and restore normal joint movement. We design and teach safe and effective exercise based recovery programs specific to your individual abilities. Our goal is to help you restore your pre-injury level of function and provide ongoing care to prevent re-injury or injuries to surrounding tissues and joints.

Treatment and rehabilitation goals are guided by the stages (acute, sub-acute and chronic) of injury and tissue healing.  During the acute phase of injury, the aim is to reduce pain, swelling and minimise further damage to the injured and surrounding tissues.  The second, subacute phase involves controlled movement, strength and flexibility exercises to enhance movement and function.  The final phase comprises of strength and conditioning,and sport specific drills in preparation for you to return to play.  Often in this stage, pain has subsided and people often think that they can return to their chosen activity or sport without realising the risk of re-injury due to compensated movement. 

Common Sports Injuries & Rehabilitation

Our physios are highly trained in exercise and manual therapy to help address any muscle dysfunction, joint stiffness and balance disturbances after an injury. We will tailor treatment and exercise programs based on your level of mobility and individual goals. During the recovery phase we will recommend and source appropriate braces and support you need to keep you moving.

We also provide individualised one to one gym-based rehabilitation programs to help you regain strength and conditioning for safe return to sports.

We provide physiotherapy for sports and accident related injuries. This includes a one-to-one supervised gym based and sport specific training programs for the following conditions: 

  • Muscle strains, calf tear, hamstring strain, quad strain, groin strain

  • Ligament sprains, ankle sprains, knee sprains, hip sprains, shoulder spains

  • Preoprative rehabilitation: for ACL, PCL, meniscal injuries, rotatot cuff tears, Ankle instability, MCL reconstruction

  • Post shoulder surgery including arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, labral repair, aromioplasty

  • ACL reconsructive surgery, menisectomy

  • Shoulder injuries, rotator cuff injuries, bursitis or tendinosis

  • Achilles tendinopathy. Achilles pain, Achilles strain, Achilles rupture

  • Lower back pain, sciatica, disc derangement, facet joint pain

  • Neck pain, headaches, radicular pain, cervical disc injury

  • Hip pain: muscle imbalance or inflexibility, poor glute activation

  • Tendinopathies: Achilles, patella/ jumpers knee, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, rotator cuff

  • Tendon rupture, Achilles rupture

  • Runner's knee - ITB friction syndrome